Inspiration takes wing
In an inspired moment that I considered to be equivalent to
the great works of Leonardo Da Vinci I decided that paper aeroplanes would be
the centre piece of one of my lessons, turning a negative into a positive. It
would be fun, something different, give them a chance to explore a number of
mathematical concepts and most importantly allow me to make some paper
aeroplanes as well.
Departure lounge
Take off
Outside I went to a tennis court, any area where there is a
line drawn on the ground will do. This is where they threw the planes from.
Once every plane was launched it was easy to see if any particular construction
went further because each type was a different colour. The class had to measure
the distance from the starting line to each of their aircraft and record
distance and type. (It was apparent to me that no one model was superior to any
other but some animated discussion did take place amongst the pupils)
Once back in the classroom we discussed which went furthest?
I asked how can we tell? Eventually the discussion was guided to pooling the
data and finding the average distance. Some pupils are adamant that one
particular type flew further, I have used belief to set up an hypothesis against which we
tested our data. Obviously the differences in averages prompted some to suggest
that one was superior to others but this enabled me to have a discussion on how
significant differences are. It is also the provided me with opportunity to use
mean, median and mode and discuss the value of each type of average. I
collected the paper aeroplanes in at the end of the lesson as they would form
the basis of the next session.
Future flights
For the next lesson I had persuaded the PE department to
leave a bench on the tennis court we had used previously. After handing out the
paper aeroplanes I posed the question ‘Would the planes fly further if thrown
from higher up?’ Again a short discussion ensued and another hypothesis was set
up. The same process as before was followed, planes thrown, distances measured,
averages found and data recorded. Back in the classroom further discussions and
calculations took place.
Follow up
The planes were used as a project which the pupils wrote up.
The various angles were measured and classified for each plane, symmetry was
identified, graphs were drawn and a conclusion was arrived at from the various
hypothesis posed. A really Maths rich set of activities (I got to make some
paper aeroplanes.
For another practicl investigative activity see my post
breakfast maths or cereal that never ends
For another practicl investigative activity see my post
breakfast maths or cereal that never ends
I was reminded of this
activity and prompted to write this piece after reading post by David Wees on using catapults Try his
website for more ideas http://davidwees.com.
Well worth the visit.
A variety of planes can be built using the instructions from this book. 200 Paper Planes to Fold and Fly
Of course the only reason to buy it is for educational purposes, not to release the inner child in us.Click on the link below, best price only 1p, astonishing.
A variety of planes can be built using the instructions from this book. 200 Paper Planes to Fold and Fly
Why not follow me on Twitter @croftsr1
100 Paper Planes to Fold and Fly
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