Want to do something different in your
classroom? I am sure I pinched this idea from a board game, but can’t remember
what the game is called. I first tried this idea out with a class of 13 year
olds. I thought if it went wrong it didn’t matter, who would know. As the class
came in so did a young lady, she was a teaching student following the class.
Before I could start another student appeared and asked if she could watch my
Maths lesson, she was an English student teacher but needed to observe other
subjects in action. No problem I said but was beginning to feel a little
uneasy. Then to add to the rather crowded classroom in walked the Maths
inspector for the local authority. Fortunately we got on well, ‘Hi Steve just
passing, thought I might pop in is it OK to see a lesson, I know you always do
something different?’ “Of course’ I said with that sinking feeling that
everything would go wrong in front of my audience.
Draw some shapes on set of cards. One shape
per card with the name of the shape on the card. For example, an equilateral
triangle with name EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE on the card. Have them laminated so the can be used by
other classes and year after year.
The pupils have to work in pairs, writing
descriptions They then have to compete against another pair.
The game
Each pair is given a card. They have to
describe the shape but not use the words written on the card. So they must not
use the word EQUILATERAL or TRIANGLE. They then have to write five or more
sentences describing the shape. Remind then they can use negative sentences
saying what it is not. Once competed
they have to read one sentence at a time to another pair, the object for them
to identify the other shape in as few sentences as possible, You can devise a
scoring system if you wish to suit your class. Once the first round is done you
can then ask the pupils to hand the cards on to another pair.
The pupils thought it was fun, different
but harder than they expected. Which I interpreted as being stretching them.
One student hurried off saying thanks, another said what a great idea, the
inspector ‘I am going to use that idea at the next in service training, always
knew I could pinch an idea or two from you see you Steve.’
For more on shape have a look at my post circles forever going round in loop
For more on shape have a look at my post circles forever going round in loop