Thursday, 30 May 2013

Maths games - the way granny used to play

Maths games – my top four resource picks

Maths games, try putting this into Google and the chances are that you will get a list of computer-based activities. Worthy though they are how about the other type of game where the children play with and interact each other? Finding these has proved a difficult task for me over the years but I have collected a stock of them, the best of which are in the books below. I have used them all and can highly recommend them.

The advantages of these games are:
- The children work collaboratively, rather than against a machine, learning from each other.
- They enjoy the challenge of games, which is why computer gaming is such big business
- They are learning, consolidating, revising knowledge in a fun way.
- It gives variety and interest to the teaching and learning experience.
- It encourages positive attitudes to Mathematics

During a conversation with a girl in my class, at the end of a long school day, I was shocked to discover this was the first lesson that she was not sitting in front of a computer.  Although the lesson was a traditional ‘chalk and talk’ before they attempted an exercise she was pleased that she didn’t have to stare at a screen again. So Maths games does not necessarily mean log on to the computer

1. Games, ideas and activities for the primary classroom by John Darbell

This gives ideas for all areas of Maths that can be used for individuals, groups and classes. It is clearly broken down into small clear sections. The activities can be easily adapted to suit different classes or topics. There are over 150 games and activities, a real resource bank and time saver for any teacher.

One reader said 'I wish I'd bought this book last year while I was an NQT, but at least I have it in my cupboard for this year.'

'Designed with busy teachers in mind, the Classroom Gems series draws together an extensive selection of practical, tried-and-tested, off-the-shelf ideas, games and activities, guaranteed to transform any lesson or classroom in an instant.

Easily navigable, allowing you to choose the right activity quickly and easily, these invaluable resources are guaranteed to save you time and are a must-have tool to plan, prepare and deliver first-rate lessons.'

12 reviewers on Amazon gave it 4.1 stars out of 5


2. 25 super cool Math board games by Lorrine Hopping Egan

The games are reproducible fun and are linked to concepts that we teach very year. They are applicable to any classroom organisation even home schooling. The rules are not complicated, how often do games look good but when you try to play them with  group they've lost interest and enthusiasm because they don't understand what they have go to do. Not so here.
'How does a hungry raccoon clean up behind a human picnic? If it's "Remainder Raccoon," simple division and practice with remainders will do the trick. Each game in this book presents math concepts (computation, fractions, decimals, geometry, logical thinking) in a fun, imaginative context. You'll find both competitive and cooperative games; individual, small group, and large group games to accommodate home schoolers to entire classrooms; multi-level play so that kids can achieve success and then advance to a more challenging level; and complete reproducibles with spinners, boards, pieces, markers, and more.'
4 reviewers gave this 4 stars out of 5 on Amazon

3. Key stage 2/3 Numeracy games by John Taylor

This covers pupils from ages 5 to 14. Slightly differnt from my other recommendations as it has puzzles quizzes, investigations, games and ICT activities. One reviewer particulaly liked the preponderance of kinesthetic games, what a pleasure to find some.Plenty of ideas to pep up your teaching, or leaning.
'This book is fantastic! Just what I needed to make me want to teach maths again. After being given many boring recommendations for maths teaching, it has reminded me that creativity in maths makes it fun. Lots of kinaesthetic games, and plenty of cool tricks using the interactive whiteboard for me to show off with next time I am observed teaching maths.' - customer review, amazon

11 reviewers gave this 4.2 stars out of 5 on Amazon

4. Mathematical team games by Vivian Lucas

I could have chosen any Vivian Lucas book to include here. Most re geared to an older age group but as always any competent teacher can use a good ide to their advantage. Once you've used this you'll use it again and again and again. I bought my own copies because prising them out of others hands was always difficult.

Mathematical Team Games: Enjoyable Activities to Enhance the Curriculum

'Team Games are special mathematical puzzles and problems which produce real cooperation between the members of a team. The mathematical content is that of the normal curriculum. Each player only gets some of the information and so all must play a part in arriving at a solution. Sixteen tried and tested team games are provided in photocopiable form.'
5 out of 5 stars from 5 reviewers on Amazon

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